Probing interactions in rhombohedral graphite by STM

We published a brief commentary on the excellent paper of Zhang et al. (Nature Nanotech 2025), regarding STM measurements on rhombohedral graphite. They show that the electron – electron interaction strength increases as we keep adding graphene layers to the system. It’s available next to their paper in the latest issue of Nature Nanotechnology.

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How to identify perfect rhombohedral graphite

Also known as ABC graphite, this quantum material hosts a flat band at its surfaces, leading to the emergence of new correlated phases of matter, including the recently discovered fractional Chern insulator. A major bottleneck in the exploration of this material is the identification of samples with prefect rhombohedral or ABC stacking. Our group has […]

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STM data analisys tool: RHKPY

Our group has developed RHKPY, a python tool designed to read sm4 files of RHK, leveraging the work of the rescipy project. It makes use of xarray and HoloViews to simplify complex data handling tasks. Among its features, RHKPY offers quick visualization, thumbnail generation, peak fitting to spectroscopy data, background removal, etc. In the Jupyter […]

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Python tool for Raman spectroscopy analysis

Our group has published ramantools, a Python package designed to streamline Raman spectroscopy data analysis. By leveraging the power of xarray, ramantools offers an intuitive and efficient workflow for handling, processing, and visualizing Raman data. Source is available from GitHub. Documentation and examples can be found here: Happy measuring 🙂 If you use this […]

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The origin of hydrocarbon contamination on graphene and other van der Waals materials

Our group has identified, using low temperature STM and infrared spectroscopy measurements, the structure and composition of the hydrocarbon contamination found on many van der Waals material surfaces (hBN, MoS2, etc.). When exposing fresh surfaces to ambient conditions, the initial contamination layer is replaced within days by a monolayer of straight chain alkanes. These alkanes […]

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High pressure structural change and superconductivity in jacutingaite

The result of our collaboration with the group of Prof. Yanpeng Qi at ShanghaiTech University has just been published in npj Quantum Materials. Our work reveals that Pt2HgSe3 (jacutingaite) transforms to a monoclinic structure (space group Pc), above 55 GPa and at the same time becomes a superconductor.

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Crumpled graphene

Visible plasmons in ultra-corrugated graphene

In our recent paper published in Nature Nanotechnology, we show that the plasmon frequencies of graphene can be tuned from terahertz frequencies into the visible range. This enables extremely sensitive detection of molecules from femtomolar concentrations by Raman spectroscopy.

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